Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Turning a New Leaf

There's always something exciting about starting a new semester. I was so happy to come back to an actual campus; while abroad I really found myself missing the structure of college a lot. That's not to say living in Dublin wasn't the ultimate dream- but it really felt like just that, a dream. 

After finally willing myself to unpack my things, my room is coming together and I am re-adjusting to college life. I am feeling settled and eager to see how this semester goes. Things are already moving really fast jumping back into crew, the RA scene and internship applications (oh, not to mention classes... huh?). 

I think a really important thing I've learned is this is a really important time to set realistic goals... once I realized straight A's were just never going to happen, that helped a lot. Now I'm focused more on things like paying closer attention in class and taking advantage of office hours. I am trying to be more realistic with my time management, and get back on track with blogging. We'll see how things pan out over the course of the semester, but so far things are looking good as I wrap up junior year. 


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