Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Feeling it ~

Time is moving so fast, which is hard to realize when surrounded by an infinite amount of snow. The mass amount of snow days lately are nothing to complain about, but it's easy to lose track of time when classes are moving at such an odd pace. Today it really hit me just how quickly time is moving... senior year is on the horizon and big things are ahead. 

Despite the weird, weather-affected start to this semester, I am so thankful to be back at Marist and in classes very specifically geared towards my major. I've never felt so solid about my "path" or whatever you want to call it, but for the first time my classes are relevant and engaging. I am not just going through the motions, but I find myself eager to learn more, read more, see more. I'm feeling inspired, and that's refreshing. 

The snow-days have been a great chance for me to catch up important things on my to-do list, like catch up on GIRLS, update my Pinterest boards apply for jobs and reading the dictionary for fun. (Hi, mom). 

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